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May 6 & 7th Western States Highpower Rifle Championship at Coalinga


Updated: May 8, 2023

May 6th & 7th 2023

Twelve Grizzlies joined this past weekend to compete in a two-day Western State Highpower Rifle Competition in Coalinga. In total, over 47 junior and adult competitors were traveling in from all over the state - as far north as Eureka and far south from Temecula. The weather was unseasonably cooler than usual for this time of year.

Day 1 Highlights:

Congratulations to Nationally Distinguished - Koa Van Hoven for overall match winner 789-24x and for being 1st for High Master!

Bo Kinghill - 1st for Expert classification

Alec Brital - 2nd for Expert classification

Brady Alford - 1st in 200-yard standing Sharpshooter Classification

Jett Drefke - 1st in 200-yard rapid sitting, and 1st in 300-yard rapid prone

Day 2 Highlights:


Alec Brital earned 8 EIC points

Koa Van Hoven won his first California Bear! Koa also was High Junior.

High Woman - Simone George High Senior - Bob Gill High Grand Senior - Jim O'Connell

Some photos from the matches below:



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